Pre-Orders and Online Ordering
Orders must be in prior to opening day of the season. If you need a tree after we open, you can call 650-364-3507 and order over the phone during business hours.
Honey Bear Trees offers a number of services for your Holiday needs. We are able to hand pick your tall tree pre-orders directly from the tree farms in Oregon and Washington. We can take your pre-sale orders for your business or home online or by phone. We will help you select a delivery date, fireproofing option and all the essentials to help you celebrate the Holiday Season!
Tall Trees:
The first step when pre-ordering a tall tree over 10' is the sooner the better! We start hand picking our trees in the fields in the summer before the winter season!
Know what kind and size of tree you need for your home or business.
Will you need fireproofing? (If you are a business this is a YES)
Delivery date? If it is a business, are their time restrictions?
Do you need any jumbo, large wreaths or garland? It's always good to pre-order this too because it goes fast!
Finally, How will you pay? Will your company be paying? Do you need to have a card ready or send a check?
Then, enjoy knowing that your tree will be delivered as promised!

To order ahead, email Shelly directly at shellycocco@yahoo.com. You can also reach us at the
Honey Bear Trees lot: (650)364-3507 during business hours.
Contact Info:
Shelly Cocco
Co-Owner /
Fundraising Coordinator
Honey Bear Trees
1337 Hopkins Ave.
Redwood City, CA 94062
RWC lot #: (650)364-3507
Fun Facts

It is estimated that 2-3 seedlings are planted to replace every Christmas tree harvested during the year. Can you say RENEWABLE!
It takes years before a tree reaches your home- it needs planting, fertilizing, pruning, shearing, etc. For instance, a Noble Fir can take up to nine years to reach six feet tall.
Some growers (like Honey Bear Trees) use helicopters to lift fresh-cut trees from their fields.
Real Christmas trees reduce carbon emissions by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
Real Christmas trees make your home smell really, really well! Nothing better than coming home during the Holiday's and smelling a fresh fir tree!
Unlike artificial trees, there are an overwhelming number of recycling programs to take your tree after the season. An artificial tree just sits in the landfill.
The best part is just going out to find your tree with family and friends. Welcoming the holiday spirit in and enjoying the moment at Honey Bear Trees!